Company Profile
Brand “VINOD” was established in the year 1962, in a very small way with mere trading activities. In due course of time, as the brand got popular among consumer in India, “VINOD” then started its manufacturing unit by the name of “PRAGATI METAL WORKS” in the year 1984.
From day one emphasis was laid on Quality and Innovation, slowly the brand started growing. In-spite of Competition from all around “VINOD” enjoys high brand equity and trust with the Trade, Institution and its Customers with every passing generation in India.
The Sole aim of the management is to provide the best quality Stainless Steel Tableware and Kitchenware Products.
The Products manufactured by Pragati Metal Works can be matched with best products available in the world. Lot of Research and Development has taken place to understand needs of consumers. With our experience we have been able to keep up the elegance and durability intact.
“VINOD” products are manufactured both with premium quality stainless steel for the ones looking in for the quality market and also from the standard quality stainless steel for the ones looking for the price aspect. The commitment in both the cases in terms of value addition to the product and its utility is always done with highest attention

“VINOD” stainless steel has received many Gold Medals for product quality, product design and the display at various Trade Fairs and Expositions.
In 1985 the Company won the “Best Designer Award” for Deluxe Tea Set given by the All India Stainless Steel Industries Association.
In the year 1997-1998 the same association again gave the “Best Design Award” for Hot Tiffin.
From 1983 to 1988 for Five years in row Vinod Exhibition Stalls received Gold Medal from Trans Asians Trade Fair and Exhibitions.